All photographs ©Ian Littlewood

For information about retrofitting your buildings with low carbon features, see CDC help for reducing emissions Jan 2025.  This includes a ‘Drive and Thrive’ event in Cirencester town centre on March 6th.

The next meeting of Temple Guiting Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 5th March at 6.30 in the village hall.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  Click for the Agenda.

To report potholes and other matters related to highways such as flooding or missing signage, please go to the Fix-my-street page for Gloucestershire.



The Council usually meets on the first Wednesday of every other month at 6.30pm, usually in Temple Guiting Village Hall. The Annual Village Meeting, to which all residents are invited, takes place in May. Look out for agendas and minutes on the website and the noticeboards.  If you would like to discuss local issues, please come to one of our meetings or contact one of your Parish Councillors.

The Parish Council is responsible for setting the annual Precept (its share of the Council Tax), pays the rent for the Village Hall and Recreation Field, contributes to local maintenance, manages the allotments, maintains a watching brief on local roads, public rights of way and trees in public places, responds to planning consultations, liaises with appropriate local and national organisations as well as the District and County Councils, supports local charities and endeavours to respond to matters raised by parishioners.

Cotswold District Council is responsible for refuse collection, planning, environment, licensing and leisure. CDC can be contacted on 01285 623000.

Your Cotswold District Councillor is Len Wilkins.  He was elected in May 2023 and can be contacted on [email protected].

Gloucestershire County Council is responsible for transport, social services, libraries and education. Phone: 01452 425000.

Gloucestershire Highways are responsible for our roads.  Call direct on 08000 514514 to report any potholes or other problems or use the ‘Report it‘  or ‘FixMyStreet‘ reporting systems.

Your Gloucestershire County Councillor is Mark MacKenzie-Charriington, who was elected in May 2021. He can be contacted at:   [email protected]

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